

Sends an email.


int @MailSend(string mail_server, string username, string password, int ssl, string mail_to, string mail_from, string title, string text, int text_format, string filename);



string mail_server: The mail server name used for sending emails.

string username: The username for the mail server.

string password: The password for the mail server.

int ssl: SSL security usage for sending email; 0 = No, 1 = Yes (Port = 25)

(From version onwards, 2, 3, 4, ... can be used to specify the SMTP port number when using SSL.)

(For versions and later, refer to Example 2.)

string mail_to: The recipient's email address.

string mail_from: The sender's email address.

string title: The subject of the email.

string text: The body of the email.

int text_format: The format of the body (0 = Text Format, 1 = HTML Format)

string filename: The attachment file name.


Return Value

Returns 1 for success and 0 for failure.



Example 1

retn = @MailSend("", "username", "password", 0, "", "", "Mail Test by autobase script", "Hello", 0, "c:\\keypro_log.txt");

if(retn == 1) {
   @MessageBox("Mail successfully sent.", "O.K", MB_OK);
else {
   error = @GetLastError();
   @MessageBox(error, "Fail", MB_OK);


Description: Sends an email to


Example 2

retn = @MailSend("", "username", "password", 587, "", "", "Mail Test by autobase script", "Hello", 0, "c:\\keypro_log.txt");

if(retn == 1) {
   @MessageBox("Mail successfully sent.", "O.K", MB_OK);
else {
   error = @GetLastError();
   @MessageBox(error, "Fail", MB_OK);


Description: Sends an email to with SSL applied by specifying SMTP Port 587.


Version Information

Supported Version: 10.2.6 or Higher


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